1. 人道中國為此基金的設立首項捐款$10,000。
2. 人道中國呼籲為遭受迫害的維權律師、人權活動人士和他們的家人捐款。
3. 人道中國為捐款人提供收據,作為在美國報稅時的免稅憑證。
4. 人道中國定期公佈此專項基金的狀況。
人道中國是設於美國加州舊金山灣區的非盈利組織,由89民運學生領袖周鋒鎖等三位前清華大學學生於2007年創建,同年獲得美國國稅局認證免稅資格(US IRS 501(c)3) 。
http://h-china.org/donation請在捐款時註明: 維權律師 (rights lawyers)
英文譯稿(唐路翻譯) English translation
Appeal of public donation for Chinese Human Rights Lawyers
The Chinese government led by President Xi Jinping has been arresting, persecuting and harassing Chinese human rights lawyers, their staff and families on a massive scale. This is a severe violation of basic human rights. This group of victims have not only endured physical and psychological harm, but will probably suffer serious economic losses because of loss of work or professional licenses. These lawyers have made huge efforts in defending press freedom, religious freedom and citizens’ rights of livelihood and property ownership.
Therefore, Humanitarian China has established “Chinese Human Rights Lawyers’ Fund” and is encouraging people to donate.
The first amount of donation Humanitarian China sets aside for the fund is US$10,000.
Humanitarian China is urging people to donate to these human rights lawyers, human rights activists and their families.
Humanitarian China will provide donors with tax deductible receipts.
Humanitarian China will disclose information of the fund on a regular basis.
“Chinese Human Rights Lawyers’ Fund” serves specially the Chinese human rights lawyers and rights defenders who have been persecuted since July 9.
Humanitarian China is a non-governmental organization based in San Francisco Bay Area in the United States. It was established by student leader of 1989 pro-democracy movement Zhou Fengsuo and two of his alumni from Tsinghua University in 2007. It was awarded tax deductible status (US IRS 501(c)3) the same year.
Methods of donation on this link:
http://h-china.org/donationPlease memo with “rights lawyers” when you donate.
Humanitarian China
July 15, 2015
Last updated: 2015-7-15, 8:30am