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[...]Oliver Carding: Do you think that the scalability issues are hindering Bitcoin adoption?
Austin Hill: I certainly agree that the ways in which the conversation has happened hasn’t been a positive experience and has been a distraction for many, I think fighting technical debates in the media, rather than amongst those who are actually writing and contributing code has not been helpful, but I’m very fortunate to be in my position, I’m able to see the amount of companies starting Bitcoin projects, I see major financial institutions talking about integrating the technology, I see a large number of very positive things every day, all of which continue to convince me that this ecosystem and technology still has the potential to achieve a huge amount of positive change in the world. The fact that sometimes the process is painful, given the fact that it’s open-source, happening in open communities where there’s a lot of debate is just the reality of how open-source works.
Oliver Carding: You compare it to Open-Source, but for me Bitcoin seems unique and that these “growing pains” are to be expected
Austin Hill: Every community has an element of terminal uniqueness, that we are so different to everything else, but in reality, this has happened several times. In the early days of the IETF, there were reports of fist-fights at meeting and people passing out because of stress, it was a very difficult, contentious process. ICANN had similar experiences when the commercialisation started to happen and people were trying to decide how open it should be and who controls it. There have been huge, drawn out battles over several years, some of which are still occurring as the principals of a free global internet was not predetermined and there was a period of time where it was still considered the US government’s network, but dedicated people went through the painful process, continuing to fight for the principals that they believed in, and it was these people who despite all the noise actually built the frameworks that we all depend on and I think the same thing is occurring with Bitcoin, there are dedicated, principled people who despite the personal toll it takes on them, care enough to continue contributing and I think it’s these people who will define what success is.