
Topic: موقع بيتنيفيكس (Read 818 times)

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December 23, 2020, 12:15:28 AM
Let me explain. I dont just mean in terms of covid, but we can start there. You know the statistic by now: America has 5% of the worlds population, but 20% of its covid deaths. What that means in practice, though, is that if youre American, your chances of getting sick and possibly even dying from an illness which has been handled much better in other parts of the world, is vastly higher. How much higher? Well, for example, New Zealand has conquered Covid not once, but twice. Across even Africa and Asia, Covid has been largely kept in check. Your chances of succumbing to Covid as an American are anywhere from 5 towell, technically, anywhere from 5 to infinity times higher than most of the rest of the world right now.
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December 23, 2020, 12:02:12 AM
Lifes basics became luxuries, more expensive by the year, instead of necessities right down to the most basic of things human beings live for at all. But that is the exact opposite of what happened elsewhere in the world. Not iPhones and Facebook. But the fundamentals of a decent life. Retirement, healthcare, education, income, savings, safety, stability, marriage, families, trust itself. All these things are simply now unaffordable for the average American. And worse, they are skyrocking in price every year. 66% of Americans choose between food and healthcare. Do you see what I mean?
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December 26, 2020, 02:43:21 PM
I believe the correct way to speak is whichever way gets your point across. Anti-fascist language is language that promotes and accepts differences. We should empower ourselves and others to talk however we want to however our identities and experiences lead us to instead of trying to meet a white supremacist standard. We do not need to justify our speech choices. We need education systems, educators, employers, media, and literary texts that promote and accept language differences without question. This could look like classes where instructors do not grade grammar or syntax but focus on the expression of thought. This could look like more people in positions of power using their native dialects. This could look like the end of speech-policing online, in academia, and at home. This could look like more positive representations of diverse speech patterns. Who governs our speech? Who should have power over it if not us?
Activity: 168
Merit: 10
Arabic Translator
February 27, 2018, 05:41:52 PM
هل هناك شرح مبسط عن كيفيه الشراء في موقع بيتفنيكس
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