Here are the deleted posts of HashFast-related accounts. Some of these may have been deleted by moderators.
HashFast promised (and still promises) delivery by Dec 31.
Notice how you deleted the quote that proves you wrong? I'll add it again. It's only 6 words. I know a couple of them have a lot of letters, but try reading it again.
That quote is completely irrelevant.
The only thing that matters is the Terms of Sale, which states Dec 31 is the guaranteed delivery date.
The Terms of Sale do not include your completely irrelevant quite, which is from an insecure internet forum of all things.
Cointerra promised mid December delivery.
It is now mid-December, but their chips aren't even finished.
Cointerra failed; they over-promised a mid-Dec date and under-delivered a late-Jan date instead.
Cointerra knew they couldn't delivery in Dec. They lied to get our money and we will prove it when we sue them for fraud and false advertising.HashFast Technologies is unaware of a deal being done with any entity that would be able to offer these items for sale at these prices with such assurances on any HashFast products.
Does this upgrade include MPP, would we get up to 4x the 800GH/s ?
Unfortunately, at that price, we cannot offer the Miner Protection Program.
So, I think where I'm looking for more clarity is:
1) Cost of the board/rig required to run additional chips if the MPP gets executed. Do we have a parts manifest for this yet, or a price to outright buy a pre-assembled rig from Hashfast?
2) If anyone from Batch-1 gets additional chips from the MPP, everyone should. Otherwise, there can be situations in which people who are ahead in the shipment queue actually do worse. For example, let's say that the 1st BabyJet from batch-1 goes out on October 25th and has made a slight profit by Jan 23rd; under the current MPP verbiage as I read it, that means no new chips for Owner #1. Let's further say that the 500th BabyJet from batch-1 goes out November 25th, but has just barely not covered costs by Feb 22nd. In this case, the owner of the 500th gets new chips for free, but the owner of the 1st still doesn't. Given the low power consumption of BabyJets, they'll likely be worth running for quite some time, so over that lifetime, the owner of the 500th probably does better. It depends on the exact nature of how the overall network hash-rate curve develops, of course, but it seems to me that the fairest thing to do is to execute the MPP across the entire Batch; ie, if anyone from the batch gets more chips, everyone should.
Can we get some clarity/comments on the above?
In any event, HF seems to be doing great work. Tape-out ~10 days ago, plus the TSMC announcement...good stuff.
Hi Melbus,
These are great questions. I just sent them to engienering, so as to get the best possible answers. I will post here soon.
still waiting for more information regarding their chip and foundry before taking the leap. I still remember back when Avalon started, they had their TSMC contract for all to see which was great.
Hi, Cara tells me this is resolved. Please let me know if you ahve anyt further issues. Thanks for your business!
- John
As a Group Buy Coordinator of 1 co-op owned HashFast BabyJet, I am pleased with the terms and conditions of your MPP. I like the transparency and level of detail.
It should serve as a model for future ASIC rig pre-orders IMO. Anything you can add about the Motherboard specs/availability and institutional pricing for said Mommy boards? [IT Birds N Bees - "
See son: "Baby computers are made when a Daddy board and a Mommy board fall in love and..."]Could be an entrepreneurial opportunity there for someone.
Details are going to have to wait until after tapeout. (Engineering is busy right now)
However, we want to encourage others to design rigs for our chips and we are excited about what this community will do with them!
Can you post details of chip communication, pin out, PCB designs, etc to github so that we can get started on designing rigs? It's pretty clear [for anyone who can do basic math] that your MPP is going to be triggered. Those who will be receiving bare chips as part of the MPP will need the additional boards.
I can assure you that we will, but not until after tapeout, which is very very soon.
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John Skrodenis
Hi Everyone,
This is a statement from Uniquify Inc, one of the leading ASIC deisgn firms in the world. They are our exclusive ASIC design partner.
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John Skrodenis