
Topic: , (Read 119 times)

hero member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 504
October 28, 2020, 01:08:31 PM
Forgive me but, it's sad that these things thus happen and somehow, we oftentend to carve ourselves out of it. We justify ourselves by simplying expressing our emotions and concerns as a step but, it really doesn't add up that much. It's always easily said than done. Having this concerns @OP, I'm tempted to ask,
What have you done to the effect of this concerns? Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying just you alone but then, doing something no matter how little because, procrastinating with the hopes of doing something when it gets better is a mirage. Your always going to have needs that equates your earnings.

Again, who are the poors?
Are they those who lack opportunities or those who seat back and watch opportunities pass them by?
Not like life is being so fun for me but, I move and I take challenges serious and it's being helping thus far plus, I give when oppouned.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
October 16, 2020, 11:42:54 AM
government was originally invented as the establishment that organised the support, needs and safety of citizens. it was not meant as a prison warden/business for profit.

 but an upper chain of hierarchy that started from local leaders who would facilitate citizens needs, where they can collaborate to get things done centrally faster and cheaper then individually

however government now from the top down doesnt listen to the lower levels, doesnt care for those at the bottom, put barriers up and only support in exchange for fee's or favours

there have been many instances such as:
in february states were asking the fed for PPE.. trump asked kushner to organise a frat party of volunteers to organise sourcing PPE. and they failed due to the frat party not being experts in facilitating orders nor having any decision power on payment conditions. so instead of admitting his son-in-law dun goofed, trump then blamed the local state governers for not self sourcing PPE rather then help.
next local governers did sort out their own arrangements, and trump jumped in with project airbridge to take those orders/arrangements out of local control and put it into central distributions which ended up costing local governments 5x the cost because trump got fema to outbid local orders. put it to central distributers and then let them auction it off for profit to local states

in april trump told cities to liberate their city against the state.. month later trump deflected his involvement and said the state failed to control its citizens and trump threatened to send the national guard in to passify citizens

in march trmp got a letter from a 'pil-mill' doctor claiming he has a covid cure. trump them went full media saying the drug should be sent to all pharmacies for people to buy and take as a daily supplement.. against all advice from all respected proper doctors

in february trump was relying on a ass kisser 'redfield' as his CDC spokesman that was patting trump on the head saying everything was fine and saying 'we will look into that' at all the silly swallow light and inject bleach crap

a leader of a country should not be trying to find ass kissers that will compliment his hair or tan. a countries leader should be the facilitator of the support needed from what the people below him need but cant get on their own

ive seen it in many management of many industries
a manager that is there to make its workers lives better by caring for their needs, paying them fairly getting them the equipment to do the job and giving them  good worklife balance.. do well
a manager that thinks 'they work for me to make my life better and screw them if they are not loyal to my needs' never do well
Activity: 538
Merit: 17
So many books, so little time
October 16, 2020, 06:08:40 AM
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