I thought it was near impossible nowadays for an account to be hacked successfully because of those changes that were made a couple of years ago that made account recovery much easier, which is why you don't see all those threads in Meta pleading to get their accounts back. So if the farlack account was indeed hacked, wouldn't it be fairly easy for the original owner to get it back? I have to confess that I don't even remember the details of the changes that were made, but I know there were some changes.
I put the flag after I got bad on my report about the ban of this user. I thought, if they do not want to ban him, then at least I will warn users about the possible loss of money. As for the fact that no one began to write about the hacking of these accounts. I think a lot of people just abandoned these accounts and stopped going to the forum and only the most desperate ones wrote in the meta, hoping to get them back.