Bumping is a great feature then. How can I bump a post? Any rule as of how old a post will be and cannot be bumped again?
I have read somewhere in the rule where it is said to not Bump more than 3 posts or so within 24hrs, but I haven't read where it is stated for how old a post will be and will not be fit to be bumped again.
Or is it the purpose for this thread?
let's go one more time.
When you open a topic, you use BUMP post just to raise the visibility. You can do it once per 24h. it's pointless for me to do a bump for a topic that someone else started, although there are situations when that also happens.
If you started more than one topic, you can bump it each but still only once per day.
You should need to delete all previous bumps and leave only the last in each topic if you have more than one.
any other situation is considered spam and your surplus posts will be reported and deleted.
To the OP, you always leave the last bump post and don’t report it, because in the end it is still allowed to do it once.