Get 100 satoshi per day to complete 100 short quizes, it pays 1 satoshi per quiz, you need 1000 satoshi to get paid in faucetpay
Post your payment proof below and your bitcoin address that you used to claim and get a bonus of 150 satoshi for every unique proof you post.
Claim only once per day from the same ip and device, you can claim multiple times per day if you use a different ip, device and btc address
Don't try to cheat and not do the quizes, I can detect that using your visit ip, keep in mind that I can pay you only if I have money to do it.
Uninstall any adblock if you use any, not just whitelist the domain, that is not enough, you need to deactivate it or just use a secondary browser that doesn't have an adblcok added, again I pay from what I earn, if I don't earn anything I will not be able to pay.