But if I need to archive someone's post history, which consists of 300 pages or even more, then this method is extremely inconvenient.
I made something similar for topics last year:
LoyceV's Topic Details: highlight deleted and edited posts (forum wide), but never extended it to post histories:
My initial plan was to make this for a user's post history too, but it was much more work than anticipated, so I skipped that.
If only I'd have the time (generic archiving sites can't highlight deleted or edited posts).
you can write a script to scrape the person's post history and save it somewhere
My one-liner:
userID=2627711; pages=430; mkdir $userID; echo "Downloading $pages post history pages for user $userID"; i=1; while [ $i -le $pages ]; do wget -qO $userID/$i.html "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=$userID;sa=showPosts;start=$((i*20-20))"; echo -n "."; sleep 1; ((i++)); done # Add browser cookie to include Investigations