حملة توقيعات جديدة على MetaWin.com
حملة: [OPEN] MetaWin.com Signature Campaign | The First WEB3 Casino | Sr Member+مدير: Little Mouseمن يمكنه المشاركة؟: Sr وفوق التصنيف
مكافأة: - 8x Sr Member- $65
- 8x Hero Member- $75
- 8x Legendary- $90
شرط:1. Post-bursting isn't allowed, also, you can't post half of the post count in a day. Be usual, be a forum member. I have the right to deny any of your posts as eligible.
2. A minimum of 10 post in Gambling and/or Gambling Discussion is required per week to be eligible for the payment.
3. A minimum of 25 posts per week will make you eligible for the payment.
4. Posts in Altcoin Discussion, Off-topic, Games and Rounds, Investor-based games, Invites & Accounts, Archival, Politics and Society, and any other signature/bounty campaign thread along with boards/threads where signature isn't displayed, won't be counted towards weekly post counts.
5. A weekly maximum of 5 posts will be counted on the local board.
حملة توقيعات جديدة على BullBear.Fun
حملة: [OPEN] BullBear.Fun Signature Campaign | 100% Provably Fair | Sr Member+مدير: Little Mouseمن يمكنه المشاركة؟: Sr وفوق التصنيف
مكافأة: 10x Sr Member and above- $50/week
شرط:1. Post-bursting isn't allowed, also, you can't post half of the post count in a day. Be usual, be a forum member. I have the right to deny any of your posts as eligible.
2. A minimum of 10 posts in Gambling and/or Gambling Discussion is required per week to be eligible for the payment.
3. A minimum of 20 posts per week will make you eligible for the payment.
4. Posts in Off-topic, Games and Rounds, Investor-based games, Invites & Accounts, Archival, Politics and Society, and any other signature/bounty campaign thread along with boards/threads where signature isn't displayed, won't be counted towards weekly post counts.
5. A weekly maximum of 3 posts will be counted on the local board.