skip to: 25:19
"What I was really thinking was..five years from's gonna be worth a lot more or a lot less. That was really my thinking. So I wasn't really obsessing about whether day-to-day this was going to be a good investment. I'm not a trader...I'm a long term investor."
RIGHT from the horse's mouth.
What a stupid fucking horse.
Ooh you got me. I am defeated
Go ahead and pat yourself on the back. You deserve it
That's what risk is.
No risk, no reward. This guy is more qualified to make that call than you.
I'm gonna go get my penis wet now. Enjoy your night. :-)
What call did I make? What I said is its dumb to pay over the market price. I don't even care about this guy. I was making fun of people who thought the bids were $900 and trying to find justification for it
You don't even know how much he paid. He could have bid the market price while everyone else low balled it for all you know.