thanks for the information, I think you don't get that the JS took over england around the defeat of Napoleon. As such anglos, are the main proxies of the JS, and this officers was never british, always and formost for his supremacists tribe ! officers, I am sure he enjoyed FF his mens (who he saw as animals...).
wake up !
then what have they ruled, but a media illusion created by the JS ! looks who got the money, who is running pedo islands, who blows wtcs etc...
wake up !
anglos don't have naturally () this ideology of hate towards the others, yes they are certainly believing to be supremacists but not genocidists like the jew supremacists... anyway, proxies or centrer, same same... from PLA perspective !
I agree with it, It is vise versa to.
It happens everywhere Male Bisons Fight for Harem Rights | BBC Earth Epic 2 Male lions fighting to death (Aug 2017) angry gorilla real fight!! Big Horn Bash | Untamed Americas Kangaroo Boxing Fight | Life Story | BBC Earth Violent Elephant Seal Fight | Battle of the Sexes in the Animal World | BBC Earth | BBC
It is called the alpha ego, but just in pack mentality. *STRONG PRIDE* Wolfpack attack on omega wolf!
We all just need to let go of the past, because we will not have a future if we don`t.
Dude ! did you do your home work and read the posts of tvbcof ?
I think you are getting taken over by the JS propaganda. why do you think they only promote to you fight videos? and never cooperation? love or sacrifices?
Today, and it's funny, a moment ago, I took an ant with me, realizing the damnation that this move will lead this innocent creature of God, I chose to return it to where it was taken. When I blew it on the ground, and it landed next to it's peers, one jumped on a little rock, took it, and brought it under the rock !!! I kid you not !!!! One brought the other to safety ! It was so impressive, then a few others came to check and I don't know if the saved one left as they all looked the same .
maybe they thaught it was an enemy and cleared it, I don't know... it was so fast, so precise, so tactically decisive.
So don't let you game by the pom pom girl gig, so called hero male / bimbo gig... if she has a whore... err liberated modern feminist... anyway...
so SMV ... sexual market value = heigh X social X body mass index (more muscle but not too much) X MONEY ... that's it.
so remember the little so called fucker of 80% of the field is nothing more than you, even more so, when you carry !
ahahha ! the great AR an equalizer ! that reduce the violence of the muscle, to let the place to intelligence ! the Aim in calm in position against the trapped opponent on a clear flat hard field... single shot, we expect
then a good one to watch is the regulatory role of the aligators in dry periods... you know... and more funny is the rotation around watering spot... very funny... you seem so disconnected from the magic ! go to the wild ! walk... and feel, nature will be there
ps becareful, you may be a prey too .