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full member
Activity: 467
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DIA | Data infrastructure for DeFi
June 16, 2020, 02:02:10 AM
I read many exchanges already got ruined their reputation by hosting shit to scam projects as part of their IEO programs. When exchanges fail on their due diligence part then they also cannot find sustain. But, I am sure most exchanges will be ready if devs pay big money for enrolling fee. This will eventually affect exchange's income stream as well because no-quality tokens usually will not attract enough volume which must be the backbone for continuously getting exchanges stream of income.

At least for the sake of income stream and maintaining reputation, exchanges must not list shit coins and tokens and must not host non valid IEOs. But, I am not seeing any dev complaining about exchanges rejecting their project. It might mean exchanges are being convinced with higher fee Roll Eyes.
True! Let's think about quality tokens as a guarantee method for exchanges to hold their users! You're not gonna go to a store that doesn't have some "famous and trustworthy" brands to shop right? It's the same thing in the cryptocurrency market! Quality tokens such as ETH, BNB, especially BTC hold the role to attract users to the exchanges!
sr. member
Activity: 2660
Merit: 339
June 16, 2020, 12:30:07 AM
I read many exchanges already got ruined their reputation by hosting shit to scam projects as part of their IEO programs. When exchanges fail on their due diligence part then they also cannot find sustain. But, I am sure most exchanges will be ready if devs pay big money for enrolling fee. This will eventually affect exchange's income stream as well because no-quality tokens usually will not attract enough volume which must be the backbone for continuously getting exchanges stream of income.

At least for the sake of income stream and maintaining reputation, exchanges must not list shit coins and tokens and must not host non valid IEOs. But, I am not seeing any dev complaining about exchanges rejecting their project. It might mean exchanges are being convinced with higher fee Roll Eyes.
sr. member
Activity: 938
Merit: 255
June 15, 2020, 03:33:06 PM
Quality tokens I presume means the good projects which have a very good future just like Eth and so on. Actually, yes, quality tokens matters in every exchange which is also one of the clear difference between a good exchange and a bad one. An exchange having quality tokens will attract a lot of users thus in as much as it is beneficial to the project in question as it will lead to more volume etc, it is also in the same way beneficial to the exchange in all ramifications. Also, a token which might be considered to be of quality today can still end up being trash tomorrow thus the reason why most exchanges delists tokens, which then means that once a team fails to keep up with their developments it might be a starting point of their problems and possible delisting from exchanges. Therefore when looking for quality tokens let's be sure the team is more than capable to handle the project and also the working products should be a good and attractive one.
hero member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 540 - Crypto Sportsbook
June 14, 2020, 05:01:10 PM
Quality tokens are important for crypto exchanges. This further increases their reputation. Listing shitcoins with huge charges, they cannot maintain their reputation for long. This is because by trading in shitcoin, when traders start making regular losses, they are no longer interested in trading on that exchange.

As a result, regular volume decreases and the revenue of the exchange also decreases. So the exchanges have good coins /tokens listings to hold their volume and to maintain their reputation in the crypto community.

This is why theres coins listing and of course these exchangers would surely list out coins which do really have that high demand and looking for its quality.They wont really come after in initial phase or hype but rather
they would really keen on looking for its future potential.Yes, it cant really be spotted out directly but we can presume depending on the projects actual usage or utility.If theres demand then they might consider it but its only one of the factors checked for them to accept or list it out.Of course they do play a key role because more liquidity or volume does signify more profits to them because if theres no demand then expect
that it will surely affect the business.

You are right! They wont really easily list out tokens which they do saw that it is a complete trash because they do know that they cant make money out of it thats why they will prioritize into those coins which do have actual demand or being supported by big community via means on looking on the volume alone.You got it also that utility is also the key for them to look on because coins or projects wont last that long if they arent offering something into the community which would really be useful.If we do try to look in most exchanges where we can actually spot out that they do list out most
top ranking coins and not the shitty ones.
hero member
Activity: 2730
Merit: 632
June 14, 2020, 04:07:09 PM
Quality tokens are important for crypto exchanges. This further increases their reputation. Listing shitcoins with huge charges, they cannot maintain their reputation for long. This is because by trading in shitcoin, when traders start making regular losses, they are no longer interested in trading on that exchange.

As a result, regular volume decreases and the revenue of the exchange also decreases. So the exchanges have good coins /tokens listings to hold their volume and to maintain their reputation in the crypto community.

This is why theres coins listing and of course these exchangers would surely list out coins which do really have that high demand and looking for its quality.They wont really come after in initial phase or hype but rather
they would really keen on looking for its future potential.Yes, it cant really be spotted out directly but we can presume depending on the projects actual usage or utility.If theres demand then they might consider it but its only one of the factors checked for them to accept or list it out.Of course they do play a key role because more liquidity or volume does signify more profits to them because if theres no demand then expect
that it will surely affect the business.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1102
June 14, 2020, 01:37:52 PM
Obviously it is the most vital part of a new projects life span and as soon as you are listed on an exchange you basically have a very real understanding of how much your currency worth but also how much it is wanted as well.

I have known coins to go up so much that nobody has ever imagined it would go up that way, I have seen coins that became basically worthless and something that everyone forgets I have seen coins that worth something decent but has close to zero volume so that amount is basically all there for showing because you can't really sell much anyway and as soon as you sell the price will become nothing. So, the moment you are listed is very important for you, it takes a lot of time and effort to get there but the real work starts afterwards.
hero member
Activity: 1876
Merit: 721
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June 14, 2020, 12:15:00 PM
Quality tokens are important for crypto exchanges. This further increases their reputation. Listing shitcoins with huge charges, they cannot maintain their reputation for long. This is because by trading in shitcoin, when traders start making regular losses, they are no longer interested in trading on that exchange.

As a result, regular volume decreases and the revenue of the exchange also decreases. So the exchanges have good coins /tokens listings to hold their volume and to maintain their reputation in the crypto community.
sr. member
Activity: 2366
Merit: 332
June 14, 2020, 11:55:26 AM
Good quality tokens their teams and the project as a whole matters a lot and it benefits the exchange bith directly and indirectly as well because when an exchange lists such a project, the project will announce the listing in their official channels dozens of their support community will register at the exchange that will help exchange in growing userbase and volume at their platform as well. So yes listing quality projects on a reputed exchange matters alot and it is a win win for both the project and the exchange.

Yes, the reason is that those tokens attract traffic to the exchange because of their use value. Traders know these tokens value and they go after them in the exchanges, this cause some hype to the the exchange because it leads to sell of other tokens in the exchange.
Activity: 2492
Merit: 1018
June 14, 2020, 10:34:34 AM

When project token has quite good features some exchange will actually just add them without having to contact the team for it. I recently been trading Jarvis Token and the team even warn the traders about the exchanges that added their tokens which they didn't vouch for it. Quality tokens come very rare today because most of the concepts in cryptocurrency are exploited in every way to different platforms.

I don't know how the exchanges are dealing with it to the team but one unique project lately was making a noise and was added to bitthumb and then other exchanges followed as well. The name of the project is Minter Network (BIP). Quality tokens are often added by exchanges without them having to deal with how much they are giving to the exchange in return.
Activity: 2576
Merit: 1655
June 14, 2020, 10:05:07 AM
I agree. Quality tokens is ESSENTIAL in an exchange. It's like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft in stocks. Without them the exchange is close to worthless because those tokens is the reason why the market fluctuates the way it is now. Remove that you take 60-70% of the marketcap.

We can't really define what Quality tokens are, the OP listed a good indicator, but I shitcoins can easily pass that test. We have seen a lot of scam projects in the past that can easily be considered as quality token based on that scope alone. And it's going to be very hard to detect early on, unless it is too late. The only thing we can do is to look at where these supposedly quality tokens are going to be listed. If they listed it on Binance or any other good exchanges, then we might consider the project as serious, but still I still have doubts if that alone can filter out good projects or not.
hero member
Activity: 3220
Merit: 678
www.Crypto.Games: Multiple coins, multiple games
June 14, 2020, 09:11:59 AM
It is simple. If an exchange keep listing shitcoins/tokens then they cannot have continuous good volume which basically impacts on their revenue. If they want to meet their revenue goals then they must need to do their level of due diligence. When they are caring rather than just looking for charging big money while listing that will definitely help them in building reputations.

For example, yobit and hitbtc are being reported by this forum members for listing all types of coins and tokens which includes scammy things as well. Some other exchnages are known for listing low to medium level of projects alone. At the same time some reputed exchanges are still following no cost listing for deserved coins.

Recently I read that devs do not need to pay any fee for listing on exchanges when a coin is good and sustainable exchanges themselves listing them for free of cost. Definitely eth might have got into exchanges for free except 1 or 2 very first exchange listing.

I guess this topic best suits for exchanges sub.
sr. member
Activity: 2674
Merit: 403
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June 14, 2020, 05:48:05 AM
Depends on what you mean by quality token. There aren't any decentralized crypto-communities agreed standard for ranking coins/tokens.
Quality tokens in my opinion have to be well decentralized and safe. That should be part of the standard true crypto communities should adopt. Unfortunately very few seem to understand this

I think token listing should be permissionless/trustless. You can then have a different section for decentrally selecting truely quality tokens. There have to be coded community-agreed listing standards that have to be met by a token to get to the section meant for quality tokens.
sr. member
Activity: 1442
Merit: 265
June 13, 2020, 09:31:33 AM
Good quality tokens their teams and the project as a whole matters a lot and it benefits the exchange bith directly and indirectly as well because when an exchange lists such a project, the project will announce the listing in their official channels dozens of their support community will register at the exchange that will help exchange in growing userbase and volume at their platform as well. So yes listing quality projects on a reputed exchange matters alot and it is a win win for both the project and the exchange.
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1397
June 12, 2020, 08:09:22 PM
6. User Situation
- Community heat, attention and growth including Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, etc.
- Views and search volume of official websites, Github, etc.
This is also one of the important factor of every token or cryptocurrency, the community itself. But there are some project who fake it's community like subscribers on some of their social medias just to pass in some exchange if this is one of the requirements.
A quality project should have organic community, not fake.
full member
Activity: 1848
Merit: 158
June 12, 2020, 06:56:09 PM
@OP, are those your own words or you have reference also on what you posted here?

I agree that quality tokens have certain impact on crypto exchanges. As a crypto user, we know what kind of tokens are listed in reputable exchanges and those substandard exchanges. Like for example, compare the projects listed in P2PB2B and BNB, where do you think most investors go to invest their funds? I am not generalizing all projects but let's admit it, if you hear the name of the exchange, you basically know what to be expected of them.
hero member
Activity: 2870
Merit: 594
June 12, 2020, 03:58:51 AM
Crypto is decentralised and exchanges are in the business of making money. That's why you will find top tier to low tier exchanges today because no one can stop someone to established their own exchanges. The problem is that there are people behind who uses exchanges, specially low tier to scam people. And there are exchanges who fake their volumes and liquidity.

So can we force exchanges just to accept high quality project to be listed on them?
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 250
June 12, 2020, 03:50:53 AM
I agree. Quality tokens is ESSENTIAL in an exchange. It's like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft in stocks. Without them the exchange is close to worthless because those tokens is the reason why the market fluctuates the way it is now. Remove that you take 60-70% of the marketcap.
Activity: 20
Merit: 5
May 27, 2020, 02:08:36 AM
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