Time is up in two minutes on the second half of this loan!
There are 98.9% scams and cons on this forum. The other % are the very few who don't scam. However, a little searching could of prevented this.
You might want to contact their Alt (who's online now watching as I tag both of their accounts for FAKE feedback. I will update for the default of your loan)
Bitcointalk Username: Maxdeielle
Your Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/benjie.epis.1/posts/1823768637860023?pnref=story
Your Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1499530526740878&id=100000518365396&pnref=story
Your Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/wixy.hanns/posts/1098831030212273?pnref=story
Your Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/princess.deguzman.79462/posts/172848639834503?pnref=story
Your Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/Taylorswift.deponeepis/posts/540744626121979?pnref=story
Your Twitter Post Link: https://twitter.com/Kyhmax/status/787368467091460096
Facebook Members: 708
Facebook Members: 2,031
Facebook Members: 315
Facebook Members: 112
Facebook members: 969
Twitter members: 160
Total: 4,295
Your BTC Address: 39azQgu1Pha5UipgwYJzHEDHBSi6iQCNm9
Loan Amount: 0.15btc
Reason of loan: Investment
Collateral: No Collateral, if possible
Amount to be returned: 0.151 btc
Return Date: 22-09-2016
Bitcoin address: 39azQgu1Pha5UipgwYJzHEDHBSi6iQCNm9
Hope you consider me even I'm a newbie. I just need it. PM me if you can let me guarantee my said amount.
Edit to add: I have a HIGH suspicion the above ARE or AT THE VERY LEAST associated with these 2 numbskulls