His name is called Paul Mellen.
He has owned (and still owns) the domain mellen.co.uk -> the address listed on there was valid, however has been invalid since around 2005.
According to companies house (he owns numerous companies), he resides at the following address:
113-115, George Lane, London, England, E18 1AN
However, this is a reship/PO box. His last registered address in the UK according to the electoral role is in Manchester.
As far as I know, he resides in Mexico or the US. He does, however, come to the UK to visit to my knowledge.
I believe he works as a security consultant - he has been noted as speaking at TakedownCon in 2015 doing some RFID talk. (which is in the US)
I believe he is (romantically) involved with a small mexican celebrity, Verónica Macías, whom has been pictured alongside him at the opening of the British Business Centre in Mexico.
Please note this is for fully legal purposes.
Details wanted:
What I need:
-A direct method of contact - preferably phone number if possible (must be current too, obviously)
-His current address(es) ( most important).To serve court papers address is essential.
-Where he currently works (if can be found somewhere)
Proof of fund:
PM or post here when u have found him to claim your reward
You won't be able to hire any private investigators or some stalker with only 0.1BTC