Introducing A World's First!Ponzi Bomb is a new twist on the Ponzi scheme. Like a traditional Ponzi, investors are paid with the newer investor's deposits.
Unlike a Ponzi, however, the last investors don't get bilked, they get paid; 3 times their deposit. Furthermore, the time the Pozni Bomb ends is known, in this case for the first, it ends at 18:00 GMT 2/16, at this time the first lottery winner will be paid.
Instead of latecomers being the losers here, the last 5% will get 3X or 300% of their deposit back, paid before anyone else. From there, it just goes down the list on the blockchain until the first investor that can't be paid in full is encountered.
Any left over change is then sent to the lottery address,
which I have already added 0.5 BTC* to. All txids that sent to the Ponzi Bomb address are gathered and a random txid is picked and the jackpot goes to that persons sending address. It doesn't matter if they made the minimum or maximum transaction. As of right now, this lottery will be once a week at 18:00 GMT on Fridays ( 6PM Friday Nights, Greenwich time).
Lottery address is 19QwhS2czVMNgyZXufxQhSJ7SMonDNCtDP
At some point, I'll have to introduce a house edge, or rake. I'm thinking 1% of the jackpot per week, that should cover hosting and maybe a few beers. For now, there is no rake. I put up my own 0.5 BTC for the jackpot and some more for hosting/registration so that will have to be covered eventually as well. Hopefully enough will try this out to cover what I have in it so far.
Ideally, this should be a evolutionary system, evolving to the wishes of it's users. Feedback is not only welcome, but encouraged. Still looking for a better way to do the lottery, for example.
IF this site does well and there is measurable traffic, I will also introduce a contest for better web design ( All you have to do is look at the site and you know I suck at it, the artistic part of my brain seems to be missing). Best design will get a percentage of the house rake for life. Don't start coding yet, we still have to see if anyone bothers
* To make it more interesting, I've just added a whole coin to the lottery jackpot, which will be pulled at 18:00 GMT on 2/16, same time as the current Ponzi Bomb ends.
At the time of this writing, there are only 4 players, each having a 25% shot at the jackpot. (The first tx's are me testing my monitoring script, so not eligible for the jackpot