Thank you for the excellent information and sequences re updating the Win 7 x 64 computer.
BC Core 0.15.1 updated the prior Core 0.13.xx database to the most recent format.
(I appreciated the time savings of Not reloading it). 0.15.1 sync'd perfectly.
Per your suggestion I did delete the prior Armory database folder before installing Armory 0.96.3992.
Next closed the core 0.15.1 database program. Then installed 0.96.3992
Armory 0.96.3992 fully sync'd to 0.15.1 on the Win 7 x 64 computer.
Thank you for the excellent suggestions.
Now doing the same processes as above with the computer on which Armory and Core Database 0.14.2 had been installed in July 2017.
Armory 0.96.3992 is presently sync'ing to the updated 0.15.1 Core database on the 3rd computer.