>> Is 0xR set on a racing planet within 0xU? - Yes, lore-wise it was actually an idea that 0xR takes place somewhere in the galaxy, that is why there is a spaceport in the city;
>> Fuel, what is it? - 0xR will have different competitions (free and pay-2-join ones). Fuel will be needed to join races and it will refill for free during some time period. Paid ones will have tickets with higher stakes and prizes though. Also, fuel will sort of serve as cooldown for the races (like a resource);
>> Tiers and rarity, difference? - Tiers separate races by car tiers as there will be tier-bound contests (later on)
>> Do we need a bundle of cars to increase efficiency? - A single car will be locked until the race starts and if you want to play several different races, you'll just need another car
>> Plans for parties/co-op? - Yes. That's why there are so many business buildings in the city;
>> More parameters besides power, handling, weight? - There will be perks, that’s like ability cards you can use to affect the strategy;
>> ETA? - Yuri and the team are doing their best to make the 1st playable version in 1-2 months
>> Are there plans to make it possible for players to monetize cars? - Possible, the idea sounds interesting;
>> Will there be any facility to bet on races? - Also a cool idea, maybe later as it was in the plans;
>> If a car gets in an accident will there be a time penalty? - Nope;
>> What about conducting races on multiple 0xU planets instead of 1 and let the planet owners get a small % of the prize money? -
The dev team surely likes the idea but there should be a racing track on planets;
>> Will there be any team racing game types in the future? - It's not in the immediate plans;
>> Will you be able to play this game for free or are you required to buy at least a car? - The team is thinking about free 0-tier car, not certain yet;
>> There are considerations about implementing some new mechanics for passive income, sth like property or corporation-like entities;
>> Rock-paper-scissors mechanics? - Yeah sort of, check the pic below;
>> Can you lease out cars? - Possibly yes, not a certain feature yet
>> Some future plans have nitro boosts for cars (check out the pics);