importaddress "address" ( "label" rescan p2sh )
Note: This call can take over an hour to complete if rescan is true
1. address (string, required) The Bitcoin address (or hex-encoded script)
2. label (string, optional, default="") An optional label
3. rescan (boolean, optional, default=true) Rescan the wallet for transactions
4. p2sh (boolean, optional, default=false) Add the P2SH version of the script as well
Sounds like 20 minutes is better than 1 hour!
If you don't explicitly specify the
rescan parameter as "false"... then every time you use the
importaddress commmand, it will rescan the entire blockchain looking for transactions that relate to that address.
So, if you're importing multiple addresses, you should specify "rescan" as "false" until you get to the last address that you want to import... then specify that as "true" and it will rescan ALL of them at the same time.