The smartest thing to do with this kind of risky bet is to cash out anytime you already have a sufficient amount of balance in your cash out, because betting on a 120 odds and on multiple games selections, the risk is quite out of this word ops.
Indeed with such odds, it's quite unusual to wait just a game in order to "win". Probably, even by losing 2 games at that time, can be profitable (means that you won) if you cash out.
Just perhaps you feel you should share more insight of you bets, and means your other sport bets that you manage to win something close to what you lost, maybe that could serves as a consolation for this lost.
Let's say that OP wins one of these parlays. That alone can stand to play 100 times the same given odd parlay, with the same bet amount.
Imagine if these fools didn't limit me on straight bets, I would take them for all they're worth. I would love to place 6-7 figure bets but they won't allow me to. Even the owner of Stake ignored my request.
IMO sounds very reasonable not to. If you bet eg. half a million in 5 matches with at least 2x odds and you win all of them, you will probably crash the casino. As far as I know, all the casinos have limitations on betting amounts.
Count me in on this, I lost my parlay as well!