
Topic: 1 LOVE - currency that has value dependent on average wallet size, inflates .. (Read 408 times)

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1 LOVE  
Currency that have value dependent on average wallet size, inflates, returns back to pool and is a 4th dimension currency which means that it can be digged for a specified time in future.

Concept -- crazy concept -- based on Austrian Economy model and the Wörgl Experiment.

[1] 1 LOVE
There is only 1 Love. It is (almost) infinitely divisible.
Let a quanta of Love be 1 of 2^32 parts. Enough for all people on all planets in any future horizon.

[2] Love may be lost but not gone for good.
Bitcoin can be lost. So in distant futer we will how 1 bitcoin left in one wallet. Everything else will be lost but won't find the new owner (other than if most of the bitcoin network has a different alghorithmi opinion). In the first case, this 1 bitcoin worth trilions of dollars, will be, in the same time, worth nothing because all other participants lost the last possible coins and the game is over for all of them. No clients, no market, no value.

Love, on the other hand, must be given becouse if you receive it and you don't give it away it fades.
All the love in all pockets fade away with half-life decomposition rate of  (suggested)1 year.
So every day a small percentage of your wallet is taxed. But it is taxed to the society which, thanks to this fact, can mine it back.

[3]Love is to exchange not to collect.
You see, money was made to help exchange gifts, service and help in a larger group. Money was made to mean a "good word", a "reference of/for your input".
Unfortunately someone had and idea to limit it, collect it and make it the same value for every one - the value that the smart one had in mind.
Love is not like that. You cannot collect it, you cannot give it a constant value but..

[4 a] Everybody needs it.
The more people want it the more it is worth. Isn't is just great? Exactly as it is with love.

[4 b] You can invest it.
Yes, because love expires, you can mine it into the future.
Exactly, you can choose for what moment in time do you target your mining to.
So the more people want to target that date the harder it will be to mine.
But remember that no matter what happens, the love will be split among everyone so that it is always full 1.0 at that(this current to every moment in real-time, not in future) moment of time.
To achieve that, not only the number of miners is important but the target date. The more distant the date you target for the harder it is to mine it.
You can also sell your future love but be aware that it was very hard-earned and rare.

[5] All is constant in space and time.
So if you mine for today or tomorrow, you have bigger chance to mine it bacause it is closer to date,
 but you also have a fraction of the pool available and lots of people mining with you.
But there are plenty of possible quants of love in future. There is definitely more of if available for free in future than it is for today,
there is less people minig it for that date together with you but there is the date distanse penelty.
Everything is ballanced, but your state of love. The waight can be controlled by the network to some degree voted. Mostly dependant on the lifespan of average human being.
So plan wisely how and when do you want to spend your love.

[6] exchange = multiply!
Collect some for later. (it will activate later)
And some for now.
Whatever you do remember that the only way to multiply LOVE is but giving it. It will fade away if you don't spend it. So offer something for love and pay with your love, let the paid be payers to some other, with love and respect, because thay now that the feeling won't last for ever on its own.
It's really, the rule of the entropy, that we operate in spite of, every day, every year, every cycle of giving birth, taking care, teaching and letting go, to the offsprint, than getting old and fading with all the knowledge and love we took and gave, that's what we do.

[7] there shall be society and knowladge.
The times were societies were exchanging work for currency (back and forth) but had no concept of value of money... (other than it relative value compared to other that possess some)
The times when it gave bigger satisfaction to make great things together rather than pooling the rope in own direction, own pocket...
this old times are yet to come.
Society so not aware of the (rat) race, that is entirely absorbed with (almost narcistic, god-like) love for thair family, with spiritual growth, with deepening and exchanging knowledge in biology, mathematics, physics, geometry of 3rd and higher dimension.
Making bold and impossible ideas ... together & done.

~ Boże daj nam miłość. [God give us love]
~ Ku czci mądrości naszych wedyjskich pra-przodków. [For the glory of wisdom of our Wedian ancestors ]
~ Ancient poem to Pi: gopi bhagya madhuvrata, srngiso dadhi sandhiga, khala jivita khatava, gala hala rasandara = 314159265359....
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