Total capital payout from investment fund.
(Total amount/ 12 payout/ mth)
*Investment return rate is 10% interest for the first 12 months from total amount of investment.
(1-12 mth = 10% payout/ mth)
After 12 months of ROI payout, you will get a 5% interest payout from total amount of investment for the next 6 months.
(13-18/ mth = 5% payout/ mth)
After 18 months of payout, you can get another 6 months 2.5% interest from you total capital.
(19-24 mth = 2.5%/ mth)*
$100k capital
$100k + 10%/ 12mth = $9166.66/ mth (1st year) = $110k
5% from $100k/ 6mth = $5000/ month (13-18 mth) = $30k
2.5% from $100k/ 6mth = $2500/ month (19-24 mth) = $15k
Total return of investment in 2 years will be 55% from total capital. = $155k
What is the real business behind this "funding investment"?
Because if you haven't one, or you didn't want to explain in details, his look as a PONZI scheme .
Where the profit for the owner of the "funds" and for the firsts investors are just other people that lose money.
By the way with this high rates (55% in 2 years :O) I think it's more conveniente ask to a bank,or raise money from friends and parents
otherwise I didn't think you are a good samaritan that use this forum just for help people