UPDATE: I've been unable to get any bid for 1 to 1.5 BTC, and got an offer of just 0.75 BTC right now. I'd like to squeeze more off from these coins so I'd like to offer all of them (along with DHL free delivery & few old paper money) for just 0.80 BTC. Full & final offer.
I'd like to auction off
125 of very old and rare coins, which I got from my father.
Bitcoin as a payment processor is accepted.
TCS Red Box or DHL will be used for the delivery, the shipping cost is included in the bid, so you don't have to worry about that. If you're very trusted here, then I can send you the coins first (and only take the little percentage of it at first to cover the shipping cost), but if you're new here, then it'd be so nice of you if you can simply trust me and send me the payment first, but I'd welcome escrow if you insist, the middle-man must be very senior here though.
The coins list is below:4x France: 5 Francs (1945) + 5 Francs (1949) + 5 Francs (1970) + 1 Franc (1960)
8x USA: Half-Dollar (1964) + 1 Dime (1973) + 1 Dime (1984) + 1 Dime (1975) + 1 Cent (1974) + 5 Cents (1975) + 5 Cents (1986) + 1 Cent (1983)
3x Turkey: 25 Kurus (1963) + 1 Lira (1972) + 50 Kurus (1973)
7x Iran: 5 Rial 1332 (1953) + 10 Rial 1351 (1972) + 1 Rial 1350 (1971) + 10 Rial 1350 (1971) + 5 Rial 1332 (1953) + 5 Rial 1342 (1963) + 5 Rial 1332 (1953)
10x Pakistan: 1 Pice (1948) + 1 Pice (1951) + 1 Pice (1951) + 1 Paisa (1966) + 1 Pice (1961) + 1 Paisa (1966) + 10 Paisa (1961) + 5 Pice (1961) + 1 Paisa (1961) + 1 Pice (1961)
17x Thailand: 1 Baht (1962) + 1 Baht (1962) + 5 Baht (1977) + 1 Baht (1979) + 1 Baht (1979) + 25 Satang (1957) + 25 Satang (1957) + 25 Satang (1957) + 25 Satang (1957) + 1 Baht (1987) + 1 Baht (1986) + 1 Baht (1988) + 1 Baht (1977) + 1 Baht (1977) + 1 Baht (1977) + 25 Satang (1957) + 25 Satang (1957)
7x Singapore: 10 Cents (1969) + 10 Cents (1979) + 10 Cents (1967) + 10 Cents (1971) + 10 Cents (1982) + 5 Cents (1971) + 5 Cents (1981)
15x Saudi Arabia: 4 Ghirsh 1376 (1957) + Half Rial 1392 (1973) + 1/4 Ghirsh 1357 (1938) + 1/4 Ghirsh 1346 (1927) + 1/2 Ghirsh 1344 (1925) + 1/2 Ghirsh 1344 (1925) + 1 Ghirsh 1344 (1925) + 1 Ghirsh 1356 (1937) + 1 Ghirsh 1356 (1937) + 1 Ghirsh 1346 (1927) + 1/2 Ghirsh 1356 (1937) + 2 Ghirsh 1376 (1957) + 2 Ghirsh 1392 (1973) + 1/4 Ghirsh 1354 (1935) + 1/2 Ghirsh 1374 (1955)
1x Bahrain: 50 Fils 1385 (1965)
1x Lebanon: 25 Piastres (1952)
7x British: 1/2 Penny (1937) + 1 Penny (1934) + 1/2 Penny (1973) + 1 Penny (1971) + 1/2 Penny (1975) + 1 Penny (1971) + 2 Pence (1981)
4x Malaysia: 50 Sen (1985) + 20 Sen (1982) + 10 Sen (1968) + 10 Sen (1968)
7x Philippines: 10 Sentimos (1967) + 1 Piso (1976) + 25 Piso (1972) + 5 Sentimos (1981) + 25 Sentimos (1981) + 25 Sentimos (1981) + 25 Sentimos (1979)
15x India: 1/2 Pice (1915) + 1/2 Pice (1915) + 1/12 Anna (1927) + 1/2 Pice (1939) + 1/12 Anna (1921) + 1/12 Anna (1939) + 1/12 Anna (1939) + 1/12 Anna (1941) + 1/12 Anna (1936) + 1/12 Anna (1939) + 1/12 Anna (1941) + 1/12 Anna (1941) + 1/12 Anna (1941) + 10 Paisa (1966) + 2 Rupees (1982) + 12 Paisa (1983)
2x Italy: 100 Lire (1968) + 200 Lire (1979)
2x Kuwait: 50 Fils (1983) + 50 Fils (1988)
1x Australia: 1 Cent (1976)
10x Germany: 1 Deutsche Mark (1950) + 10 Pfennig (1950) + 5 Pfennig (1950) + 5 Pfennig (1949) + 5 Pfennig (1968) + 10 Pfennig (1972) + 1 Pfennig (1950) + 50 Pfennig (1950) + 50 Pfennig (1950) + 50 Pfennig (1950)
3x UAE: 50 Fils (1972) + 5 Fils (1972) + 1 Dirham (1997) + 25 Fils (1975)
These will be given for free: