In my opinion it is shortsighted. It only mentions a modest potential of Bitcoin as a payment vehicle and a store of value, probably because these are the only currently developed systems. However, they fail to mention the possibilities that services like colored coins will bring to Bitcoin, as well as a host of other services that have yet to be built.
Thanks everyone for your comments and especially Bitcopia for a copy of the report. It's weird that I pretty much agree with almost everything he says as to bitcoin's potential except for the numbers involved. I don't understand how he gets such low numbers. Bitcoin currently (at $1200) probably has 1% or less of the PP/WU/MG market. But if it becomes an "average" player (which would imply 25% of the market or 25× that number), it's only $1300? I get 1200*25 = $30,000. And that's if it "just" does that.
And I could say the same about its comparison to silver/gold and undercutting Visa/MC, in which case I start to get up to $100,000 or more if it does all those things well.
But if rich guys keep selling when it gets close to $1300 because "that's what BofA/ML said", then at what point does the market become hardened to never exceed that price?