I'm looking at this power supply on newegg to snag during the bitcoin promo. The plan is to have it to power 3 Antminer S3's, standard clocking. I'm wondering if anyone has used this power supply, and if you think it can handle the job? I fail to see why its a whopping 30-100$ cheaper than all the other PSU's of that caliber I am finding. Thoughts?
Edit: Here is the link, this is why we don't post right before bed: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817152045&cm_re=1200w_psu-_-17-152-045-_-Product
That is a Raidmax which is known to be pure crap. It's made by 5th tier manufacturers and uses the crappiest components. A Seasonic designed 900W PSU would be able to put out more power reliably than that thing. When the Raidmax hits full load it has all kinds of nasty power ripple and overheats - if you run it in any place hot it will fail in an hour.