
Topic: [1500 TH] p2pool: Decentralized, DoS-resistant, Hop-Proof pool - page 399. (Read 2591964 times)

hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
Watch out for the "Neg-Rep-Dogie-Police".....
I noticed bfgminer are working on integrating SSL/TLS support in their miner - I've been looking through p2pool documentation but can't find any info on weather p2pool supports it or not.....anybody shed some light on this for me?


If you're using a local node it shouldn't matter.


Hi mdude,

Obviously not for the local miner node, I meant for the remote miner as well as nodes to node communication. I see there are many reports from various pools that there is some kind of bug/malware causing redirects etc, hence the reason for the SSL/TLS - just to give another level of security. I like the thought of internode comms being securely encrypted, as well as the miner software  Smiley
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
Network hash rate is up to 524 TH/s, best I've seen.  Expected time to block is down to 15 hours, really great!

I'm operating a 0% fee node on a fast server in Chicago.
Come mine with us!

The hash rate seems to jump around quite a bit.  I think I finally understand why.  p2pool doesn't really know what the hash rate is.  It just does an estimate based on how many shares are being found per time period.  Since that varies with pool share difficulty, it keeps swinging around.  Pool share difficulty goes up, shares/time goes down, apparent hashrate decreases.  Then pool share difficulty goes down to compensate, shares/time goes up, and apparent hashrate increases.  Rinse and repeat.


This effect could be felt only between 2 shares if the difficulty rose of fell rapidly while the actual network speed went in the other direction. Given that the p2pool share interval is only 30 seconds this effect should be negligible.

The problem is more likely to be simply that the hash rate is an estimation on a time period or a number of shares (which is more or less the same). As a mean value it doesn't reflect the fastest changes. I'm not sure how many shares are used for the current hash rate estimation that's probably not hard to find in the code though...
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1001
Network hash rate is up to 524 TH/s, best I've seen.  Expected time to block is down to 15 hours, really great!

I'm operating a 0% fee node on a fast server in Chicago.
Come mine with us!

The hash rate seems to jump around quite a bit.  I think I finally understand why.  p2pool doesn't really know what the hash rate is.  It just does an estimate based on how many shares are being found per time period.  Since that varies with pool share difficulty, it keeps swinging around.  Pool share difficulty goes up, shares/time goes down, apparent hashrate decreases.  Then pool share difficulty goes down to compensate, shares/time goes up, and apparent hashrate increases.  Rinse and repeat.

sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
Network hash rate is up to 524 TH/s, best I've seen.  Expected time to block is down to 15 hours, really great!

I'm operating a 0% fee node on a fast server in Chicago.
Come mine with us!
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1001
I noticed bfgminer are working on integrating SSL/TLS support in their miner - I've been looking through p2pool documentation but can't find any info on weather p2pool supports it or not.....anybody shed some light on this for me?


If you're using a local node it shouldn't matter.

Activity: 1344
Merit: 1024
Mine at Jonny's Pool
Oh, and I can confirm that merged mining works fine still as I now have block rewards for IXC, NMC, and DVC.

jonnybravo - would you mind telling me what ports (rpc & p2p) you are using for your different coins?

I see so many different statements regarding this it's daft, & seeing as yours are confirmed working......

Thanks  Smiley

For those of you interested in merge mining on your p2pool node, there's a great thread here:

It's rather old, but the information in it is good.  Below, I've put the *.conf files from my system, and the command I use to start my node.  User names and passwords have been changed.

1) bitcoin.conf


2) devcoin.conf


3) ixcoin.conf


4) namecoin.conf


5) Node startup

nohup ./ --give-author 0 --merged http://NMCuser:[email protected]:7333 --merged http://IXCuser:[email protected]:8338 --merged http://DVCuser:[email protected]:53333 -a NODEWALLETADDRESS BTCuser BTCpassword > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Hope this helps!
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
Watch out for the "Neg-Rep-Dogie-Police".....
I noticed bfgminer are working on integrating SSL/TLS support in their miner - I've been looking through p2pool documentation but can't find any info on weather p2pool supports it or not.....anybody shed some light on this for me?

sr. member
Activity: 347
Merit: 252
Thank you, I'll see if they can fix it on their end then.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1001
Let the chips fall where they may.
p2pool supports stratum.

Maybe I'm missing a step in my setup to get stratum working?

The problem is that P2Pool auto-detects if the miner is using the old get-work protocol. However, most stratum proxies auto-detect stratum pools by trying to use getwork first. An option to disable this auto-detection on either side would be nice.

Would probably be difficult with the P2Pool software since the listening port is also overloaded for the stats page.
Edit: I suppose P2Pool can start sending out the X-Stratum: (not sure about spelling) header directing such clients... to the same port they connected on.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1012
 Grin good to see that some farm have do some test on P2Pool to evaluate the reward and the available share job ...
full member
Activity: 216
Merit: 100
Don't let the nam-shub in your operating system.
They are one of us..

I agree, I just like to know my family better....  Cool
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
I have just setup my own node in Perth Western Australia if anyone wants to check it out go to feel free to mine on it 0% fee. I'm looking a getting a few Antminer S1's in the next couple of weeks to boost up the hash power. Grin
sr. member
Activity: 379
Merit: 250
Welcome to
Oh, and I can confirm that merged mining works fine still as I now have block rewards for IXC, NMC, and DVC.

jonnybravo - would you mind telling me what ports (rpc & p2p) you are using for your different coins?

I see so many different statements regarding this it's daft, & seeing as yours are confirmed working......

Thanks  Smiley
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
You get additional 0.5% of the total block reward for finding the block.  At least according to the wiki:

The code agrees. Divides total reward by 200 in generate_transaction.

Activity: 1344
Merit: 1024
Mine at Jonny's Pool
You know, it's funny.  I've read that wiki like 1000 times and just completely missed that.  I think my brain said, "Yeah, you'll never find a block, so no need to worry about that bonus.  Not storing this information.".

Thanks for pointing it out for me Smiley
hero member
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000
Does p2pool offer a reward to the block finder?  If so, how much?

You get 0.5% bonus for finding the block.

Edit: Oops, I took too much time finding the link lol. Tongue
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
And with all the hashing power coming onboard, it was my little S1 that found the block this morning  Grin Grin Grin

I'm just excited - it's the first block I've found!

Oh, and I can confirm that merged mining works fine still as I now have block rewards for IXC, NMC, and DVC.

Just curious about one thing.  I must have gotten a reward for finding the block.  Because the amount "mined" my S1 shows in my wallet is way above what the expected payout graphs show on my node.

Does p2pool offer a reward to the block finder?  If so, how much?

You get additional 0.5% of the total block reward for finding the block.  At least according to the wiki:
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
And with all the hashing power coming onboard, it was my little S1 that found the block this morning  Grin Grin Grin

I'm just excited - it's the first block I've found!

Oh, and I can confirm that merged mining works fine still as I now have block rewards for IXC, NMC, and DVC.

Just curious about one thing.  I must have gotten a reward for finding the block.  Because the amount "mined" my S1 shows in my wallet is way above what the expected payout graphs show on my node.

Does p2pool offer a reward to the block finder?  If so, how much?

I think it's 1%?
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1024
Mine at Jonny's Pool
And with all the hashing power coming onboard, it was my little S1 that found the block this morning  Grin Grin Grin

I'm just excited - it's the first block I've found!

Oh, and I can confirm that merged mining works fine still as I now have block rewards for IXC, NMC, and DVC.

Just curious about one thing.  I must have gotten a reward for finding the block.  Because the amount "mined" my S1 shows in my wallet is way above what the expected payout graphs show on my node.

Does p2pool offer a reward to the block finder?  If so, how much?
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
Possibly malware causing the p2pool growth?  Look over at the eligius thread. There is apparently someone using a TCP exploit to trick miners into connecting to their own pool. The pool to which people are being redirected could easily be a p2pool node with -f 100 or something similar.

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