Just joined p2pool last night with 170Gh/s
Mining fine just wondering how long dose it take for payment to hit the wallet ? 3 blocks have been found when I have been mining on here.
Any way to monitor the miner on the pool as I looked for my wallet address on p2pool.org on the stats but can't see it.
P2Pool.org is not affiliated with P2Pool or ForrestV.
.org .ru and .com p2pools are nodes that keep payouts for themselves and than distribute according to their own rules
If you want to join TRUE p2pool go to any node from list p2pool-nodes.info or setup own local node using guides from p2pool.in
Hi, Thanks for the reply, geeez which I knew that, if I join any pool from the p2pool-node.info list I still use the BTC wallet as user name and password as anything ?
Dose it matter how big the pool is ?
All p2pool nodes belongs to p2pool network
it looks something like that

you can switch between node and you still will be in p2pool network and all your work will be saved
That is great opportunity of decentralization. If any node is under ddos you can switch to other and continue work in p2pool network