About DurianFiDurian Finance (DurianFi) is a decentralised finance protocol for yield farming.
User can farm/harvest new token by providing liquidity to dex like pancakeswap.
🔥 website:
https://durianfi.com/#/dashboardHarvestAdding liquidity (BNB/DurianFi) to pancakeswap will give you Cake-LP.
Staking these Cake-LP into the system will allow you to farm more DurianFi.
Estimated emission of 2t/year will be allocated to yield farming alone.
Staking, unstaking or using stake/swap, the system will automatically harvest for you.
🔥 website:
https://durianfi.com/#/dashboardQuick StartHead over to "Swap and Stake" section and start using this shortcut feature.
It will allow you to swap BNB into DurianFi, add liquidity to pancakeswap and stake your CAKE-LP for you.
You can unstake your share anytime to retrieve back your CAKE-LP liquidity token and remove liquidity from the pool.
Supply: 2T + 2T/year (yield farming)
Current APY: 162%
Network: BSC
Farming pool: BNB/DurianFi