Buy the rumour sell the news, when the law is actually passed and in effect is not when the market moves but in anticipation is when you must decide how this will influence price and asset quality under this change. Its kinda universal rule that acting now would be after the fact really, the market can still be surprised or unaware of an outcome but most of the time any free market works always in anticipation of effects.
My take on 1.9tn is it makes the dollar weaker, most actions by government work to consume more then they produce where as people and private business is a producer and government is the tax on that productive capacity. 1.9tn represents something of a tax, the market likes weaker dollar as it provides cheaper currency at this time under easy monetary policy. The overall effect on economies is negative as it detracts from capitalist enterprise in favor of cheaper money and centralised government spending, that influence makes the individual weaker though some might gain from its benefits obviously those not able to work for one reason or another.
This is politics unfortunately many will disagree but DXY or dollar index generally gets weaker and the point Im making is this bill was on the cards for months hence dollar already fell; now it might rise possibly confusing as that is.