That's because he is a scammer. So he hopes to get the noobs that are desperate for coin.
He uses several accounts to give himself rep. Over at the goldtalk forum he was banned already. Pretty shady dude.. he made a post on the noob section that was comical. He made several posts on that thread saying how many he had left and the price like someone had already bought them LOL.. he got called on it though.. I wonder how many more posts he'll be able to make here before a moderator bans him too.
i just went to other section and i saw i can make post. i never knew as the rule here confuses me and i am now at the proper market place section.
Pls dear we like criticism in business because it brings out the best in us. several posts are made because anyone always go through our website and as our rules our order forms on site are used. Thanks very much we enjoy the attack its part of business.