And once you click "Install"->"Start", then you will be presented by this screen:
And then if you either create a new wallet or import seed, you fall for the trick.
The site was created a week ago:
That is why all legit crypto decentralized or centralized exchange campaign all that time that verify or officials site link before gives any details. They spend lots of money for this campaign too. But still we are not aware we are trust on google search. We have to ask 2nd time before take any action that is this the real one? Though we can't blame google. Because google is working on its ai robot or seo. For us google made this option that anyone can make his business online and reached it to its needy people. But scammer took that chance and the promot their fake business to scam with people. In this reason we have to use our brain smartly. If google take any action like if google make it adds option tricky then problem will be for us those people who is not expert in making adds they face problem and the expert users take a good charge for running add campaign. If google do this scammer don't have any problem because they are already expert on this they are educated in this matter they can run their campaign easily. I hope all of you understand.