For now:
Importing another MultiSig descriptor containing order_01's private key, "vendor_pubkey" and "buyer_pubkey"
should enable you to sign a the partially signed bitcoin transaction but you still wont be able to create a psbt using it.
You'll also have to create a "watching-only" descriptor wallet containing the same descriptor but with pub keys to be able to create a psbt (without signatures).
(I'd recommend to create new blank descriptor wallets for each since the first descriptor will break some wallet commands)
Another option is to import an HD multisig descriptor based from order_01's master private key, vendor's extended public key and buyer's extended public key.
The extended public keys should be converted to xpub and you'll have to specify the correct derivation paths for it to derive the correct MultiSig addresses.
Here's the example commands to setup HD MultiSig in Bitcoin Core:
The guide uses extended private and public key pairs, the derivation path will be different if the master private key is used instead.
Reference for descriptors: