I understand that this post might be a spam-post (due to you probably receiving a lot of these posts, when all we really got to do is just educate us on the subject) and I do understand that the Bitcoin-network is under heavy load as of lately. However, I have a urgent question that I cannot answer myself no matter how much I read. Child pay for parent etc is just too advanced for me and I am sorry to say that I rather go for the lazy way out and post here, and receive a yes or a no from one of you who actually understands this topic.
However, to the point: I have a transaction that was sent on the 6th of December 2017. This transaction was sent from an online wallet that I do not wish to disclose. What I can say, is that this wallet did not allow me to change the fee. I do believe that the reason for this transaction being so slow, is because the fee is so low. I have tried to accelerate the transaction multiple times using a website called confirmtx.com, but I can no longer do so, it asks me to pay them and it will then cost more than half of the transactions value ($115 I believe was the cost).
So, I am not here today to ask you if you can solve this, or HOW to solve this. Instead, I want to ask about this "time-out"-feature. This transaction was sent, as previously mentioned, from an online wallet. I do not have access to this wallet and the staff-members cannot help me with this. The system works like this: You can receive and send payments to a certain address for 1 day. After that day has passed, it will be "hidden" from the user (myself) but still exist, for another 7 Days. So, the address that this payment was sent from existed for a maximum of 8 days. Now it is out of my control, and as far as I know, nobody else can access it either.
The transaction is this:
https://blockchain.info/tx/8a98109bff7dbb33a6c298e42ad505178ba5763ff62a8fd59c65b9175e9e222cThe problem is not that it's taking time. The problem is, if this will time-out or be reversed somehow, then it will go back to the address it was sent from I presume? And as I said, nobody has access to this address anymore, resulting in a loss of $200 for me.
So, users of BCT, what suggestions do you have for me and what information can you give me? I already read another thread saying that since version 0.12 or something, you had to manually enable the "time-out"-feature. Since I had an online wallet where I got no information or data except for an address, I do not know of any such settings.
Thank you all for your help.