all did such a great job donating to
Rap News. Please support this guy! He is so amazing and I'm glad to have him as part of this community.
You read on the internet about older engineers who say that
James Doohan playing Scotty in Star Trek inspired them to their profession, or others saying that the inspiring
Carl Sagan and his poetic love of science, inspired them to become physicists.
It is because of Symphony of Science, that my sister became interested space and now studies astrophysics. She infected me with Carl Sagan, and rekindled a long held passion I held many years ago for science and introduced me to space - something I never really appreciated before in my life.
I never appreciate music either - until I heard Symphony of Science. I realised then that I'd been listening to the wrong music my whole life. This music speaks to me. Think of all the people these videos are inspiring into scientific professions or just plain more logical, rational and appreciative of our world thinking. This is a huge good for society.