They are way more candid if they are not being forced to speak on the record.
I highly doubt the EFF's lawyers are advising them to not accept Bitcoin. I will just leave it at that. Calling them pussies serves only to persuade them that the Bitcoin community isn't grown up enough for them to take seriously.
So if the EFF lawyers didn't advise them to not accept bitcoin ... who did?
It sounds like more lawyer weasel words FUD, trying to distance themselves from a big FU due to their previous yellow behaviour ... politics is rotten with this kind of double-speak, back tracking, half-truths, off-the-record, PR management, spin BS. ... are there any honest lawyers?
Yeah, and the bitcoin community isn't grown up. Would help if the legal community got past 10th grade schoolyard, he-said, she-said tactics and fessed up when they are wrong ....
Edit: it all hit the skids when Clinton was arguing with the grand jury what the definition of "is" is .... from that point, politics was thoroughly contaminated with legal dishonesty and has never looked back (not to say it wasn't bad previous to that).