Who's government? Bitcoin is global, can be anonymous, and doesn't need the permission of a government. Services like PayPal can pay government protection money and play ball, allowing them to create lies to get government thugs to protect them against DDOS. Bitcoin services can do the same.
What scandal? Most of the Bitcoin services have had some hack, but keep on going (this forum, mtgox, etc). Wallet, exchange, and investment sites run off with people's bitcoins. The currency doesn't break though, and people are paying $130 to get some.
The price may be a bubble, or it may the last time bitcoins are this cheap. Bitcoin needs no company producing dividends, needs no correlation to profits, assets or GDPs, and is like nothing seen before by these economists, not even previous currencies. Tulips have a potentially unlimited supply and cannot be subdivided into 100,000,000 parts and sent around the world instantly.
The headline assertion that bitcoin is a bubble is irresponsible.