My opinion is similar to that of bittorrent
Earlier this month, a series of mysterious billboards popped up around Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. The ads made such proclamations as: “The Internet should be regulated” and “Your data should belong to the NSA.”
For days, rumours swirled as to who was responsible. Finally, a San Francisco technology company came forward to claim responsibility – it defaced its own billboards, replacing the words “regulated” with “people-powered” and “the NSA” with “you.”
“We liked the idea of an Internet architecture that’s built without a heavy reliance on a centralized servers, and it’s been really hard to communicate that to broader public because most people didn’t know what a server was,” Mr. Mason said. “That all changed after the PRISM scandal.”
Now the company is trying to capitalize on the opportunity. It is already marketing an online chat service and a data synchronization tool – both of which don’t use central servers. The tools have proven popular with security-conscious users and enterprise customers.
But for the San Francisco company, the longer-term vision for BitTorrent’s future is something far more audacious. The company’s executives see BitTorrent at the centre of the next pillar of Internet communication. Just as Facebook has become the company at the centre of social networking and Google occupies the same role in the world of search, BitTorrent is trying to become the default name in distributed computing – an area that is growing at a fast pace.
If it succeeds, BitTorrent may finally be able to shake off its reputation as little more than a tool to download movies. Indeed, its people-powered network – the source of so much criticism over the years – may become its most profitable asset.
“We think that privacy and control and efficiency are better served if the end of the network is where the intelligence is,” Mr. Mason said.
Butcher the last few sentences and my opinion XD
The longer-term vision for Bitcoin’s future is something far more audacious. People can see Bitcoin at the centre of the next pillar of Internet finance. Just as Facebook has become the company at the centre of social networking and Google occupies the same role in the world of search, Bitcoin is trying to become the default name in distributed finance – an area that is growing at a fast pace.
If it succeeds, Bitcoin may finally be able to shake off its reputation as little more than a tool to deal drugs. Indeed, its people-powered network – the source of so much criticism over the years – may become its most profitable asset.
“We think that privacy and control and efficiency are better served if the end of the network is where the intelligence is,”