One of the most popular, longest running long form technology podcasts briefly talks about Bitcoin and Silkroad, but unfortunately gets several facts wrong. Leo says, "I have 4 Bitcoins....Bitcoins are worth more than $100 each last time I checked."
01:25:00 Leo says an FBI spokesman has said they will sell DPR's bitcoins when the trial is over..."But they've shut down Mt.Gox so I don't know where they plan to do that at. But anyway, they have to put Mt.Gox back online so they can get there money."
About TWIT: As well as having been ranked #1 on Podcast Alley, Yahoo Podcasts, and the iTunes Podcast Directory (where it records around 315,000 downloads a week), it has also won two Podcast Awards, as both the "People's Choice" and as "Best Technology Podcast". This WEEK in TECH also made Time Magazine's Top 10 Podcasts of 2006, ranked 9th.[3][4] It also won Podcast of the Year from the 2007 Weblog Awards.[5]
I was disappointed that Leo gave such inaccurate/out of date information.