Chinese Communist Party would not be encouraging the citizenry to speculate on Bitcoin if what you say is correct. What is the purpose of green-lighting it in the state media and permitting the protocol with their ISP's if they're waiting for some unknown signal to suddenly change their minds?!?!?! Chinese banks and Chinese crypto-exchanges are easily the most frictionless in the world, the fiat deposits and withdrawals clear in a matter of hours. The Chinese state are encouraging all this very strongly when they could be cracking down right now very effectively.
You're talking about currency non-convertibility and capital controls interchangeably, and they are not at all the same thing. The CCCP policy is to keep renmimbi in the country, not capital. The Chinese state appears quite happy to allow Chinese people to move capital out of China to invest overseas, in a mirror of how the US government is simultaneously exporting it's newly created capital all over the world too. They're both basically exporting inflation, with the US using currency to do so. But China is keeping it's currency under tight state control by not allowing any large quantity of it to leave the country, and so they are using any proxy that can to do the inflation export job instead.
Also, there is Macau - it is a well known fact that Chinese people take their Yuan there, turn them into chips, which are honored at casino's in the USA. If the PRC wanted to do something, they'd close that loophole as well. They have to know about it, not like that huge gambling operation is flying below the radar.
I think what the Chinese are figuring out is that Bitcoin is the thin edge of an economic "wedge" that they can use to overcome reliance on the US Dollar. Once that happens, they can burn all their acquired debt without much consequence, as the increased Yuan reinvestment in the country will cause its value to increase.
This kills exports, but once you've burned that bridge, you don't care much about selling to your former world-reserve-currency "partner". What becomes important then is shifting your economy to a consumer-based versus outsourced manufacturer one.