Gibt's in China sowas wie (außer Localbitcoins natürlich ...)
Sowas könnte dort ja dann der Renner werden, wenn BTCChina und Co. schwerer zu funden sind, wies ja momentan aussieht.
Bin mal gespannt. Ich frage mich, wann hört für normale Leute der Spaß auf, wenn die PBoC da noch restriktiver wird.
Da müsste man mal ein paar mehr konkrete Hintergründe bekommen, auch was die chinesische "Kultur" angeht.
Ich hab mir noch nicht die Mühe gemacht/Zeit gehabt, das genau durchzulesen. Hört sich aber nicht mehr so schlimm an beim Überfliegen. Aber sind schon ordentliche Einschränkungen...
The People’s Bank of China and Five Associated Ministries Notice: “Prevention of Risks Associated with Bitcoin” [
Notice] Clearly defining the nature of Bitcoin, which is not issued by a central monetary authority, it does not possess characteristics of legal tender, and does not have real meaning as a currency. On the nature of Bitcoin, Bitcoin is a specially-designated virtual commodity or good, and does not have the same legal status as currency, and cannot be used as circulating currency in the market. However,
Bitcoin trading constitutes a method of buying and selling commodities online, and ordinary people are free to participate, so long as they are willing to assume the risk.[
Notice] It is required that, at this stage, financial and payment institutions may not use Bitcoin pricing for products or services, may not buy or sell Bitcoins, may not act as a central counterparty in Bitcoin trading, may not offer insurance products associated with Bitcoin, may not provide direct or indirect Bitcoin-related services to customers, including: registering, trading, settling, clearing or other services; accepting Bitcoin or use of Bitcoin as a clearing tool; trading Bitcoin with CNY or foreign currencies; storing, escrowing, and mortgaging in Bitcoin; issuing Bitcoin-related financial products; and using Bitcoin as a means of investment for trusts and funds.
Notice] It is required that, websites serving primarily as Bitcoin trading platforms, must, according to the Telecommunications Regulations of the People’s Republic of China and the Internet Information Services Managing Guidelines, legally register with the Telecommunications Bureau. Meanwhile, Bitcoin has a comparatively high risk of use for money laundering or by criminal actors; this Notice requires that all relevant institutions comply with relevant authorities and with the People’s Republic of China Anti-Money Laundering Law, and fulfill requirements related to customer identification, submit “suspicious transaction” reports and fulfill other statutory anti-money laundering obligations, preventing the risk of money laundering associated with Bitcoin.