
Topic: [2014-01-01] - CryptoCoins News : Another Lame Bankster Attacks Bitcoin (Read 628 times)

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Eadem mutata resurgo

Another day, another banker, another ignorant jab at Bitcoin. This time it’s Steven Englander of Citibank, America’s third largest TBTF zombiebank. Mr. Englander wisely steers clear of attacking Bitcoin on the basis of made-up numbers, instead relying on rhetoric. He writes (and I comment) as follows:


author's summary.

Well, that’s it. Pretty lame kung fu, really. The joke is a banker who pretends to libertarian sympathies while advocating centralisation and government control.

It seems to me that banksters have assimilated much of government but in so doing become dependent on endless liquidity. With both trotters in the public trough, they’ve forgotten how to compete in anything like a free market. Naturally, they now want government to step in to outlaw their competition. That’s how monopoly operates, after all… What happens next will certainly be interesting. Right now it seems to me these guys have no clue what they’re up against.
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