
Topic: [2014-02-25] REUTERS - Mt Gox CEO says bitcoin exchange is at "turning point" (Read 1021 times)

hero member
Activity: 492
Merit: 503
Well, a cliff edge is a KIND of turning point. And going over a cliff is a pretty sharp turn.
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
"The digital marketplace operator said earlier this month that it had detected unusual activity" - don't believe this!
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1014
In Satoshi I Trust
Turning point means, he tries to disappear but wants to take as much cash as he can carry Cheesy
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
This, and the "distancing from the association/foundation", just goes to show you that the "association/foundation", is actually nothing more than ad-space for anyone who pays the price.

They didn't actually "do anything", they don't actually "do anything", they don't actually even have "any power or knowledge"... They are just spectators taking money to slap a useless logo on your site.

Funny that the "association/foundation", distanced themselves, "after the fact".

Hope no-one sends those guys money for anything. Apparently they are a bunch of uninformed CEO's living off your dollar, while actually doing nothing for it. Even when something should have been done, they could not do anything, only run away. Great business plan, looks great for your image guys. Foundations are not supposed to move, unless there is an earthquake. Foundations usually support things, not the other way around. Foundations are usually solid structures for others to build off of, not just a place for your money to land, while you chase-off/evict your tenants.

Foundation fail...

If anyone wants to start a real foundation, let me know.
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So an email - but a dead website - no nothing else -- just an email to a news outlet...  Lotta nerve...

Yeah wtf:

In an emailed response to a question of whether the Tokyo-based exchange was dead, Karpeles said: "We should have an official announcement ready soon-ish. We are currently at a turning point for the business. I can't tell much more for now as this also involves other parties.

That literally means nothing. What in the actual fuck does a 'turning point' mean? A turning point good or bad? And 'soon-ish'? That could be any time. He may as well have not even bothered saying anything.
full member
Activity: 136
Merit: 100
Full headline:
Mt Gox CEO Karpeles says bitcoin exchange is at "turning point"

So an email - but a dead website - no nothing else -- just an email to a news outlet...  Lotta nerve...
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