man, i get to like this guy
Are you serious?? He's a career parasite. He's never operated in the free market and because of that he has never evolved. He only knows how to chase after money that has been extorted from taxpayers.
After some reconsideration on my part, I'm pretty confident that this whole Gox fiasco has been engineered by the powers that be. Too much of a "problem, reaction, solution" approach that the video you posted only reinforces.
The feds have been all over Gox for years now, and the story is he just lost the coins?? Or they were stolen?? I call bullshit. The Feds could easily force Mark to hand over the public addresses of his cold storage wallet and see where they went on the blockchain, but none of this has even been mentioned. I think the whole community is being fed a big pack of lies.
I'm pretty sure the real truth is that the US government is stealing everyone's coins and there is really nothing Mark K can do about it.