Just got off the phone with a friend who works for the TSA to ask him about this. He had not heard of this news and said they have not received any sort of guidance in regards to Bitcoin and that financial criminality is out of their purview.
His theory is that it sounded like some overzealous agent who had read a bitcoin headline and was being a cowboy. His exact sarcastic words were: "Yeah, we get the cream of the crop over here."
Every one of those deviants should be rounded up and publicly shot. They are traitors by the constitutional definition.
Please don't execute my friend, Biomech. He is definitely not a traitor and in fact a very nice guy.
He may be a nice guy. But he works for an organization whose sole purpose is a perversion of everything America was founded on. I'd advise him to look HARD in the mirror, and see if there isn't something better he could do.
I get the same argument about cops. "Well, I know a cop and he's alright..."
He wears the uniform. By putting on that uniform, he has accepted what it stands for. What it stands for is a surrender of self to the Collective, and an open slap in the face to the very concept of liberty. Your friend, by being a voluntary part of an organization that is more terroristic than ANY of the USAcorp's "enemies", has given up the "innocent" title. The Nuremburg defense failed in 1945 for good reason. "Just following orders" is no excuse. If you haven't the moral fortitude to NOT follow egregious orders, then you are either a coward or a willing participant. There really is no middle ground on this.
I am actually a non violent person, but the things that have been done to my country over the past 30 years are horrible. We have become Nazi Germany, only with glitter and better PR. Our rulers have created the largest, most dangerous Empire ever in existence, and they pretend to be representing us. They, and the TSA is definitely part of this, deliberately UNDERMINE our security for the sake of political gain. Fear is the motivator of the masses, and the politicians and their cronies know it, love it, and openly exploit it.
It frankly bugs me at a very deep level, because I have watched this nation go down the fucking drain for a long time. I'm 45 years old, and the country I live in does not even resemble the one I grew up in. That's not a long time to go from a largely free society to a tyrannical nightmare. I do not approve of a police state, nor any of it's agents. Nobody made them choose treason over liberty. It was voluntary, and they are screwing over their fellow man for pennies. The only thing worse than a traitor is a CHEAP traitor. If you are going to sell your soul, don't you think you ought to get value for it?