strange, why do they love bitcoin
? switzerland should be next...
(i heard Roger Ver bought a citizenship some weeks ago)
The offshore world loves bitcoin.
why because bitcoin will make offshore more powerfull en will force county's to be more like offshore.
Ilse of man if the first to intergade bitcoin it will have a hudge advantage , they probably will sell offshore banking liscense like the dutch why go offshore.
Bye bye AML laws , bye bye KYC laws ......
And the story that banks / country's will be able to ban bitcoins by closing al exchanges to fiat well forget about it!
Being a bank is owning A license!
Welcome in the offshore world with it's latest products.
By being a offshore bank good chance btc-e does it like this , you are simply exempt of any AML , KYC and tax laws! Private Banking License can be achieved in a Quality Caribbean Jurisdiction for as low as $325,000 USD or BITCOIN equivalent which provides all the advantages of Bank ownership Some things you can do with your own offshore bank:
Set up your own banking instruments (e.g. bonds, securities &c).
These can be used in a variety of ways not to be covered in depth here due to space limitations. You may issue letters of credit for yourself, certificates of deposit, provided funds are indeed there (don't do it otherwise, as this would qualify for fraud in most jurisdictions!), letters of recommendation, etc.
Boost your corporate image by retaining your very own bank.
This can facilitate business no end: whether you are involved in import-export trade, in industrial manufacturing, in upmarket financial services, or simply want to impress your business associates and gain a cutting edge against your competitors – an offshore bank is probably the most powerful business tool money can buy.
Grant yourself constructive credit ratings.
Fed up with hopping around, currying favor with loan sharks and paying exorbitant sums to “credit repair” agencies that can't really do a thing for you anyway, except sing sweet, harmless odes to deaf ears? Why not do it the banks' way instead? With your own offshore bank, it's a totally new world to explore – grant yourself the credit rating you deserve and make good use of it in your other financial operations.
Grant your own loans and mortgages.
A nice way of legally funneling profits offshore and minimizing on taxes! Once you sign up, we will show you a unique insider strategy how to reduce your taxload and even say goodbye to taxes forever.
Seize your own assets before your creditors do.
Don't twiddle thumbs while the vultures are blithely hacking away at your life's work: with our insider strategy, you will be able to employ your bank to lay its hands (i.e. yours!) on your assets before anyone else does. Buy out your own debt for a song, stage your own “friendly self-takeover” and make exorbitant profits – absolutely legally, too, provided you know the proper way to do
and yes it is all legal.