I kinda disagree with the statement, " As mentioned in Minister of Finance Michel Sapin’s speech last month, the report shows that France isn’t keen on imposing overly strict regulations on bitcoin, instead choosing to remain “halfway between the strictest regulations [from] China, Japan or Russia or the
lightest regulations adopted by countries such as the United States, Canada or Israel”.
If you look at the regulations coming from the USA lately, it over regulated. {New York} So much, it acctually kills innovation.
What I did like was, " Though clearly stating that bitcoin is – for now – nothing more than a type of virtual bartering tool, the document calls cryptocurrencies a “long-term trend raising important legal and economic matters, that can no longer be disregarded by public authorities”.
They accept it as a "bartering tool" and they not over regulating it, and looking at it's impact over the long term. In my opinion the best way to go.