Well no shit, Sherlock. What an awful interviewee and likely a shitty businessman. Who knows, maybe he has some great technical skills which he has massive trouble articulating. Either that or he likely just inhereted a bunch of money and started a business just to make his parents shut up. Max was being as fair and easy as possible, throwing balls softer than goose down pillows and as big as a barn, and this guest still cannot give a single compelling argument for anything after the first minute of the argument.
Can we get some better speakers on The Keiser Report? Amir was pretty good. Anyway, I'm never buying anything from Max or Isle of Man, no doubt.
Its because of the tax havens bitcoin still has access to the banking system , they force states to ajust or die!
So who is your enemy here ?
Well Max Keiser just keeps pushing junk coins constantly. First Quark, then Max, and now Startcoin. He is really sullying his reputation by scamming people with obvious crap coins. Most of the funding for projects on Startjoin goes directly to Maxcoin projects. Even today you can see one on the front page. What do you think about that?