Take "terrorism" for example. It is simply resistance to economic dominance by the core industrial nations. Blow-back, so to speak, from actions take to secure free trade ie imperialism.
This is an example in the many ways the social order is breaking down. You mention that crime is at all time low. Well, incarceration rates in the US are at levels unprecedented in previous historical periods and the police have been militarized to curtail behavior that is deemed counterproductive to industrial production and property ownership.
We are taking corrective action in order to "solve" the crises that are result of our previous "corrective" actions. It's creating a negative feedback loop essentially. The system of human society, and life itself even, is of a self correcting nature, if you understand the ramification of that.
Terrorism is a minor footnote, irrelevant other than for Western overreactions to it. Small groups of crazy people have always carried out crazy violence against others, in most any civilization throughout history. Your chance of being killed by terrorism is less than your chance of being killed by lightning, or whatever the stat is.
US incarceration rates are an anomaly among Western nations, and indicative only of flawed policies regarding crime and punishment, which can and will eventually be corrected.
I agree that human societies and "life itself" are systems of a "self-correcting nature", which is why I'm not worried. Any system out there that is too wrong will fall, and be replaced with something better. Like tyrannical monarchies, like communism, flawed systems wither and die, either from internal resistance or due to the indisputable inferiority of the results they produce compared to external competitors.