The ALFAquotes Fair Bitcoin Price indicator currently lists $518.59 as the "fair" price of bitcoin, almost double its current market price of $277.
This price is based on the historical growth of bitcoin, combined with its future potential. This system is inspired by the Benjamin Graham formula adopted by investors.
"At the moment, as we can see bitcoin is doubly underestimated and this indicates how good investment attractiveness is toward bitcoin," ALFAquotes project manager Denis Hert told CoinDesk.
I've never heard of that $518 'fair price', here's the link to the Benjamin Graham formula they used to calculate it:
Fair price would be at least back down into the $100s for a limited time and then to go back up and level off at $300 to $500 levels again before going back up and passing the $1,400 bubble and being the base line for the price in the future. But again that has a lot of work and buying before it ever gets to that status and remains the level ground of BTC
I think a price rollercoaster like that is not the "fair price". If one was omniscient and could determine the true value of a bitcoin currently, that would be the "fair price" and it would change only when there is a change in supply/demand or fundamentals.