It doesn't seem to optimistic, though. Look at personal computer and internet expansion. 20 years maybe one out of 10 families had a computer at home and even less had access to the internet. Now it's hard to find somebody that doesn't, at least in developed countries. Soon the same will happen with electronic money. Maybe it won't be Bitcoin, but other electronic currency, but the money of the internet will prevail.
I don't think the comparison with computers is valid. It's like back then saying computers will wipe out humanity within ten years. Maybe in the very distant future but not ten years. Bitcoin isn't going to wipe out cash within ten years though merchant adoption may be widespread by then.
If they keep saying nonsense like this then I don't know how serious people will take them.
They should skip the bullshit and focus on their "Nasdaq" exchange. I always say : Action speaks louder than words.
They're just doing what all bagholders do - hype their holdings .